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Stacey Clare

Stacey Clare is a stripper, writer, activist, theatre performer and one of the co-founding members of the ELSC. Stacey has become known as the resident Gobbess of the collective, giving public talks, writing articles and generally shouting from the rooftops about sex workers’ rights. She is the author of upcoming book ‘The Ethical Stripper’ and one half of the sell-out Edinburgh Fringe show ‘Ask A Stripper’, which she performs with her work wife and fellow stripper Gypsy Charms. Stacey travels up and down the country campaigning to support strippers and establish employment rights in the sex industry wherever she goes, as well making several media appearances including Good Morning Britain, and a TedX Talk.


Samantha Sun

Samantha Sun is a stripper, artist, professional performer, aerialist and dancer. She worked in multiple clubs across London and currently does private bookings. Her background in fine art informs her performing practice. She can usually be found scrambling to finish a costume for the next gig, flying around the air in a hoop, or running around London in outrageous show makeup.  Sam's expertise in art gives her an edge when organising for ELSC's Life Drawing class. She's also influenced by her East Asian background in her aesthetic and activism.


Lauren Elise

Lauren Elise is a pole dance instructor and ex-stripper from London, best known for her dynamic, fluid basework, her musicality and her attention to detail. 

She has performed onstage with DaVido at the 2017 MOBO Awards, and features in videos for Tulisa, James Blake, JAY1 and many more.

She has been a member of the ELSC for about 3 years, performing with them at events, modelling for and now co-running the Life Drawing class. 

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